More Personal E.T. Encounters ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are so very happy to be speaking with all of you who will receive this transmission. We are very pleased to report to you that the progress you’ve been making has been making waves throughout the galaxy. More and more beings have been paying attention to those of you who are opening yourselves up to extra-terrestrial contact and to the higher frequency energies coming from the non-physical realms. There is of course quite a bit of talk about when each of you who is awake will be ready for full, physical extra-terrestrial contact.
Some e.t.s take it upon themselves to connect with you, even when others in the discussion think you are not quite ready for the experience. But from what we can see, all of you have handled your e.t. encounters very well and have integrated what the e.t., or e.t.s, were wanting to share with you. There are so many downloads and upgrades that you can receive in those moments. Some of you relax and allow the activations to occur. Others of you tense up, close yourselves off, and do not receive the full force of the transmission. But in those instances, you are still getting better at receiving them. You are still getting closer to a time when that type of contact will be commonplace for you.
We so enjoy witnessing those interactions and making the mental notes to ourselves about what works and what doesn’t. Many e.t.s and collectives come to us for advice about how to approach humanity, or about how to approach an individual who is awake and shows signs of being ready. We do our best to give them the advice that we believe will lead to a positive interaction where everyone gets what they want. For the most part, the e.t.s that you connect with are interested in activating within you certain extra-terrestrial DNA, or memories of when you were a part of their race.
That type of knowing within you can build a bridge between humanity and those e.t.s., and when the bridges are built, you can have that contact that so many of you have been waiting for and desire. We want to say to those of you who are impatient about your contact experiences that they are coming, be patient, live your lives, know that there are plenty of e.t.s walking among you, and consider what a melting pot Mother Earth really is. You are surrounded by extra-terrestrial energy. You are comprised of it, and the sooner you realize that, the sooner you realize that, the easier it is for them to then connect with you.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”