










我們都希望看到你在旅途上採取接下來的步驟,踏上旅途的下一步。我們愛你; 我們關心你; 我們尊重,尊敬和崇拜你們,我們將一如既往。更高境界的存有也期待著你們知道我們與你們同在的一天,並且我們希望所有交流都是雙向的。我們很高興與已經觀察了很長時間的這麼多人類進行第一次對話,我們只是想向所有覺醒著的人保證,被喚醒的人類的人數每天都在繼續增加。




Help Coming from Sirius, Andromeda & the Pleiades ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have our arrangements other ninth-dimensional collectives from other star systems to ensure that we are covering all the bases, so to speak, for humankind there on Earth. We work together as one gigantic team in the sky. And working together has proven to be very effective.

We have been communicating a ninth-dimensional collective from the Sirius star system about how to disrupt your habits of thought when they do not serve you. We have also been working with the Pleiadian High Council of 7 on some theories about how we can all help you to recognize the importance of feeling your emotions. And an Andromedan group has been assisting us with these enormous energetic downloads that we have been putting directly into your energy fields throughout your month of March.

And there are others who are helping in myriad ways to assist you in the evolution of your consciousness, not because we feel that you need the help, but because we love coming up with new ways to help all of you there on Earth, and we are also up here in the ninth dimension to answer your prayers. When you ask for something, or when you cry out for it, we always hear you and we look for the most appropriate ways to give you what you are asking for. Therefore, we hope that you know that your prayers and requests are never falling on deaf ears.

We are also constantly recruiting more helpers because of the number of requests that we hear and feel coming from humanity. The number has increased steadily, as more and more humans are waking up, and more of you know that you can count on your helpers from other star systems. You know that you can count on the Archangels and the ascended masters as well, because we are all here in the higher realms with nothing better to do than to help you all grow and expand, to raise the level of your consciousness, and to complete the shift in consciousness with as much fun and joy as you can possibly have along the way.

We all want to see you taking the next steps on your journeys with a spring in your step. We love you; we care about you; we respect, honor and adore you, and we always will. All beings in the higher realms also look forward to the day when you will know that we are with you, and we look forward to the time when all communication is two-way. We are excited to have our first conversations with so many humans that we have been observing for so very long, and we just want to assure all of you who are awake that the number of awakened humans continues to get bigger every single day.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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