我們一直在試圖找到正確的能量和銀河光之代碼的組合,以發送給所有人,當我們找到可行的組合時,我們會堅持一段時間。我們想看看當你們一遍又一遍地用相同的能量和銀河系的光波轟擊你們時是否有累積效果。但是總有一段時間,我們必須對能量進行更改,然後將其混合在一起,就可以為你們提供一些新的,不同的東西,可以使你們以正確的方式撓癢癢(tickle you)的東西,或者至少始終是我們的願望。
請記住,你們可以隨時進行(make course corrections)方向更正,而不必向任何人解釋自己或你們的決定。我們在更高的領域中了解,是因為我們可以明瞭地球上的生命非常混亂,並且可以看到你們有多少種選擇,並且應該盡可能多地探索這種變化。保持與地面接地(Be consistent in your grounded-ness),保持臨在並且活在當下(in being present),覺察自己的感受(in checking in with your feelings),以心為中心,否則,讓自己的道路自然而然的、隨性(let your path be spontaneous),並讓它在每一天的每一刻浮現/出現(let it emerge)在你面前,並且不用擔心其他人對此有何看法,因為這是你們的旅程,也是你們自己的路(yours alone)。
Your Illogical Spiritual Path ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are always attempting to find just the right combination of energies and galactic light codes to send to all of you, and when we find a combination that works, we stick with it for a while. We want to see whether there is a cumulative effect when you are bombarded with the same energies and galactic light codes over and over again. But there always comes a time when we have to make a change in the formula, and by mixing it up, we give you something new, something different, something that will tickle you in just the right way, or at least that is always the desire on our part.
We invite you to do the same with yourselves. You might find that you are outgrowing something, even if it is something that once gave you great pleasure or once was a spiritual practice that you got so much out of, it doesn’t mean that you will always get the same results, and that is because you are expanding and growing all the time. You have something there on Earth called rituals, and rituals can be effective when they are needed and when they are used appropriately. But you can also stop benefitting from them and not even realize it, or you might fear that if you let go of the ritual you will somehow regress spiritually.
We want you to know that you will never regress spiritually. You will always remain on an upward spiral until you ascend, and there will be paths that you take that will be short and paths that you will take that will be longer, and at the end of all of it, you can lump them all together and call them your spiritual path, even if it doesn’t seem to make any logical sense. The thing about life that is hard for an ego or a mind to understand is that it’s never going to make sense when you look at the bigger picture, and it doesn’t have to make sense, and it’s okay if your life isn’t making sense to you. It’s okay if your spiritual path is not clearly laid out in front to you.
Please remember that you get to make course corrections all the time, and you don’t have to explain yourself or your decisions to anyone. We in the higher realms understand because we can see how life on Earth is very chaotic, and we can see how much variety you have there to choose from, and you are supposed to explore as much of that variety as you possibly can. Be consistent in your grounded-ness, in being present, in checking in with your feelings, and in being heart centered, but otherwise, let your path be spontaneous, and let it emerge in front of you in every moment of every day, and don’t worry what anyone else thinks about it because it is your journey and yours alone.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”