我們正在遠方研究所有人,但我們也正與你們同在,從你們內在和周圍的各個角落觀察你們,我們是第九維度的人,這意味著我們沒有物質身體,也沒有邊界可以限制我們到了我們想要去的地方,無論我們想把它放在我們這個美麗的宇宙中的任何地方,都將我們的注意力吸引了,我們選擇專注於地球上人類的人性,因為我們對你的旅程, 你的毅力, 你站起來迎接你每天面臨的挑戰的能力感到著迷。
但是我們對下一步的工作,下一步的創建以及如何成為更高的自我感興趣,這是你們在地球上命運的重要組成部分,許多人認為向第五維度的轉變與你們有關把自己帶到一個更好的地方,比如從一家跳蚤式汽車旅館升級為五星級度假勝地,但這根本不是那樣。你們正在改變自己,並且像這樣,外面的世界似乎正在改變。但是,你們的局限性並不是因為你們所在的國家/地區,你們正在改變的國家/地區,而且但真的, 你就是在改變的人, 當你以更高振動的角度操作時, 你會看到, 體驗, 並且能夠做你現在所無法做的事情. 但是你的限制並不是因為你居住的國家, 那裡的法律管理你, 或者你在銀行裡有多少錢.
你們的局限性僅是由你們提供的振動所造成的,改變振動,你們將改變自己所經歷的一切,這一旅程與改變你們有關,而且它一直如此,它從來不是關於改變風景或消除所有不好的風景。它也不是關於把你不喜歡的東西留在後面,當你們高飛(soar off)向一個更好的地方,一個更好的現實時,你們就是意識的轉變;它始於你們,而終於你們。你們的命運是完成任務;你們不能搞砸它。
A Big Part of Your Destiny on Earth ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are studying all of you from afar, but we are also right there with you, observing you from within you and all around you. We are ninth-dimensional beings, which means we have no physicality, no bodies, and no borders to confine us. We get to go where we want to go and put our attention wherever we want to put it in this beautiful universe of ours, and we choose to focus on humanity there on Earth because we are fascinated by you. We are enthralled by your journey, by your perseverance, and by your ability to rise up and meet challenges that you face on a daily basis.
You are making history with your ascension. You are making the biggest leap forward that you can possibly make, as you have moved from the third dimension, and now you are making your way to the fifth. This is a time to feel very good about yourselves and how far you have already come, but it is also a time for you to be exploring where you want to go next. One of the reasons why your journey is so fascinating to us is because we don’t know what you will choose for yourselves next. We have some idea because of probabilities and because it is very rare for a being or a collective to make a ninety-degree turn out of the blue.
But we are interested in what you will do next, what you will create next, and how you will become your higher selves, which is a big part of your destiny there on Earth. Many assume that the shift to the fifth dimension is about you taking yourself to a better place, like getting upgraded from a fleabag motel to a five-star resort, but it’s not like that at all. You are changing yourselves, and as you do, the world outside of you seems to change. But really, you are the ones who are changing, and when you are operating at that higher-vibrational perspective, you will see, experience, and be able to do things that you cannot do right now. But your limitations are not because of what country you live in, what laws are governing you there, or how much money you have in the bank.
Your limitations are only created by the vibration you are offering. Change your vibration, and you will change everything that you experience. This journey is about changing you, and it always has been. It has never been about a change of scenery or the elimination of all the bad ones. It has never been about leaving everything that you don’t like behind, as you soar off into a better place, a better reality. You are the shift in consciousness; it begins and ends with you. And it is your destiny to complete it; you cannot mess this up.
You can either enjoy it by going with the flow, or you can go kicking and screaming in resistance, judgment, and condemnation about all that you don’t like about your current situation. Isn’t that more satisfying? That’s why we are studying and observing you, because we know that you are not just on a cruise ship, going from one place to another. We know that you are creating it all, and that your primary creation is you.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”