屬於覺醒的集體的一部分的人們已經抓住機會,將這組時間表納入了物質領域。你們已經在更高領域中的人類和集體存有的幫助下做到了,但你必須成為那些才能在所有混亂和災難中生活的人, 所有的心碎, 所有的恐懼和所有的一切 悲傷, 以及地球上存在的憤怒和生氣,是為了激發人們創造新事物,更好事物,更包容事物的靈感。
你們知道,就像我們所做的那樣,人類的崛起將成為集體努力,而你將會做大多數創造, 領導和觀念。你受到了從那些曾經擔任領導職位的人那裡得到的領導力不足的啓發, 你越來越擅長創造和效仿那些覺醒的人,你們越來越好。對於那些無法使用高頻能量並對它們做一些正面事情的人來說,在非常寒冷的日子裡,你們會讓他們感覺像溫暖,舒適的毛毯。
圖片提供:Karin Miller
Chaos & Calamity Helped Create New Timelines ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very excited to bring you this transmission because it should serve as a beacon of hope to those of you who are struggling at this time. You all have been given an opportunity to get very creative at this time, and those of you who are creative and who do work with energy have been leading the collective of humanity, and most of them are unaware of the fact that you have been guiding them into newly created timelines. These timelines are about bringing humanity to a higher level of consciousness and to a more unified state.
And those of you who are a part of the awakened collective have seized the opportunity to bring this set of timelines into the physical realm. You have done it with the help of beings and collectives in the higher realms, but you had to be the ones to live through all of the chaos and all of the calamity, all of the heartbreak, all of the fear, and all of the sadness, as well as the rage and the anger that is present there on Earth in order to be inspired to create something new, something better, something more inclusive.
You know, as we do, that humanity’s ascension is going to be a group effort and that you are the ones who are going to be doing the majority of the creating, of the leading, of the offering of higher vibrational thoughts, ideas, and concepts. You have been inspired by the lack of leadership that you have gotten from those who have been in leadership positions, and you are getting better and better at creating and living the example of those who are awake. You are going to feel like a warm, comfortable blanket on a very cold day to those who have not been able to access the higher-frequency energies and do something positive with them.
You are going to find that the people around you who were never interested in anything spiritual will be coming to you and asking you for your thoughts, your assistance, and even your comfort as they go through their own awakening experiences. And you will be there not only to comfort them in their time of need, but you will also have these beautiful realities, that strung together, form wonderful new timelines. And you can invite your fellow humans to join you in the light, and that is how it is done, that is how you are doing it, and that is how you will continue to do it, because that’s why you are there on Earth at this time.
And when you have enough people looking for a purpose, looking for a mission, looking to be of service, eventually enough of those people find the way to help humankind that is perfect for them, and they light up to all who have any ability to sense that light.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”