


我們非常好奇人類如何處理你們即將收到的所有下載內容。關於當前的外星人以及地球上人類意識的演變所涉及的外星人的下載量比你們想像的要多。你們都與跨越許多個生命週期的人有關係,並且你們都在來到地球之前就已經在銀河系的其他地方進行了化身,這意味著從有利的角度(your vantage point)來看,你們都是外星人。




這樣,下載就變得很有必要。你們必須催化這些記憶才能準備就緒,以便可以回頭和展望(go back and forward),同時始終保持對收到信息的感受。你們會發現,感受比什麼都重要。比事實更重要。從你們的角度了解事實,了解你們的歷史以及與銀河系中外星人的當前關係後,你們將有一些感受。對於你們來說,感受必須比細節更重要。






圖片提供:Karin Miller


Downloads Leading to Full E.T. Contact ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very curious about the way that humanity will process all of the downloads that you have coming to you. There are more downloads than you can imagine coming your way about current extra-terrestrials, as well as the involvement of e.t.s with the evolution of the human consciousness there on Earth. You all have relationships to e.t.s that span many lifetimes, and you have all incarnated somewhere else in the galaxy before coming to Earth, which means you have all been extra-terrestrial, from your vantage point.

These downloads are about re-familiarizing yourselves with who you are and who you have been, as well as your friends and soul family members who exist throughout the galaxy right now. There are many e.t.s with you all in the fourth dimension who are eager to connect with you, but most of them realize that the vast majority of humans simply aren’t ready for full physical contact.

And so, the downloads then become necessary. You must have those memories activated in order to be ready, in order to go back and forward at the same time, all while remaining present with how you feel about the information that you receive. You see, how you feel is more important than anything. It’s more important than the truth. When you get the truth, from your perspective, on your history and current relationships to the e.t.s in your galaxy, you will then have something to feel. The feelings must become more important to you than the details.

You all are feeling beings, and you are beings who went to Earth to explore that very fundamental aspect of who you are. So we advise you to let these downloads come in through your dreams, through the readings that you get, through the knowing that you will have, through all kinds of ways, because the universe has many. And when you receive your downloads and unpack them, let yourselves feel the impact, emotionally, and know that as you do, you move ever so closer to your full physical contact with extra-terrestrials.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


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