


我們對你們在地球上的進步感到極為滿意,因為每天都有越來越多的人在甦醒,而越來越多的清醒者正在做著自己已經意識到的工作,為了成為你的真實自我,你更高的自我。我們看到,秋分能量已經對人類產生了影響,並且作為一個整體,你們正開始放鬆柔化(mellow out)。你們開始感感覺滿足及放鬆(You are beginning to chill.)。你們開始放開你們一直持有的所有憤怒,怒氣,氣憤和不滿,而地球上的情況已經使你們感到並釋放了。


此時,地球上的許多人感到困惑,對正確或不正確和應該做或不應該做的事情感到困惑,我們在這裡告訴你們,如果你們感到困惑,那麼你們就是胡思亂想。你們並不能讓自己真正去感受到,而你們需要感受到才能療癒自己。你們需要感受以便清晰,處理並最終成為自己的真正所是(who you really are)


你們無法想到自己的方式。你們無法相信自己的方式。你不能在那裡投票。你的揚升並不是要效忠任何人或任何事物。是關於你的 你們當中那些讓自己感受到自己需要感受的人,是我們對自己的集體表現感到非常滿意的原因,因為雖然你們不像那些在頭腦中運作的人那麼響亮,但是你們是更加強大的一群。


















Don’t Be Confused; Nothing Else Matters ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are extremely satisfied with the way that you have been progressing there on planet Earth, as more and more people are awakening every day, and more and more of you who are awake are doing the work that you have come to realize is so necessary in order to be your true self, your higher self. We see that the equinox energies have already had an effect on humankind, and as a collective, you are beginning to mellow out. You are beginning to chill. You are beginning to let go of all of the fury, the rage, the anger, and the resentment that you had been holding on to and that circumstances there on Earth had allowed you to feel and release.

Many people on Earth are confused at this time, confused about what is true or not true, confused about what they should do or not do, and we are here to tell you that if you are confused, you are in your head. If you are in our head, you are not truly allowing yourselves to feel, and you need to feel in order to heal. You need to feel in order to clear, to process, and ultimately to become who you really are.

You can’t think your way there. You can’t believe your way there. You can’t vote your way there. Your ascension isn’t about pledging your allegiance to anyone or anything. It’s about you. And those of you who have allowed yourselves to feel what you need to feel are the reason we feel so very satisfied with how you are doing as a collective, because you are not as loud as those who are operating from their minds, but you are more powerful.

You are so much more powerful when you align with Source than when you argue about politics. Therefore, it is time for more of you to embrace the additional energies that have come in at this time to ground you, to put you in your hearts, and to get you to feel Source Energy. Feeling Source Energy is truly the only way to know that you are aligned with the most powerful force in the universe, and none of that has anything to do with what you think, what you believe, what truths you’ve uncovered on the Internet.

Those of you who are truly awake can feel when something is off to you, and you are right to go back into your hearts, to feel for the love that you truly are, to feel for compassion for all humans, whether they agree with you or not. You are the ones to lead through your connection to the most powerful force in the universe, which is of course Source, which is pure, unconditional love. Feel it. Align with it. Be it. And recognize that when you do, nothing else matters.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


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