你可以通過多種方式專注於自己想要的東西。你可以專注於它,並自己思考你將永遠擁有它。你可以專注於它並感到興奮,因為你甚至有可能獲得自己想要的東西。你可以專注於自己想要的東西,並感覺自己與之和諧地振動,並與你們的慾望合而為一。如果你能夠掌握聚焦的藝術,那將是對聚焦能力的一次美妙使用,並且你會發現自己過著美好的生活,充滿著機緣和同步性(serendipity and synchronicity),在一次精彩的表現之後又有了精彩的表現。
當然,一旦你專注於生活中希望在自己的經歷中獲得更多收穫的光輝燦爛的方面,你就會傾向於更大的想法。你傾向於想要別人。你往往想要集體。即使你自己並沒有表現出多少,有些人還是這麼做。無論哪種方式,專注都不錯,但是專注於你想體驗更多的東西是很棒的。這是生活的肯定。這就是你成為你所是的方式。(It’s how you become more of who you are.)
This is the Most Powerful Tool You Have ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are determined to bring you all that we can so that you can have the best possible experience of your growth and evolution. When we ponder you as a collective, you give us an opportunity to focus, and when we focus, we quite naturally expand into more of who we are as Source Energy Beings, as beings of unconditional love. We look to you to give ourselves more of a sense of purpose, and you always come through. You are the ones that have the most potential, because you are the ones experiencing the most polarity in this galaxy.
Now, you also have the opportunity to expand through focus, through consciously putting your attention on something that moves you, something that delights you and excites you, something that gets you out of bed in the morning. You need to have that in order to summon more lifeforce energy to flow through you, and it doesn’t matter what that is. It doesn’t have to be something that everyone would deem as highly spiritual, or even highly evolved. Whatever it is that you enjoy focusing upon is allowing you to become more of who you really are, because generally speaking, if you are focusing on something, it is because you love it.
Now, if you happen to be a person who is focusing on something or someone that you do not like, you are not benefitting from your ability to focus. Certainly, you can get some momentum at first by thinking of all the ways you have of defeating that person, that point of view, or that thing you feel should not exist at all. But hopefully, those of you who are awake will recognize the futility in that type of focus. You will feel the discord within you, and you will shift your attention to what brings you joy, what lights you up, and what gets you to feel something positive, no matter what it is.
You can focus on something that you desire in a number of ways. You can focus on it and think to yourself that you will never have it. You can focus on it and get excited because the possibility even exists that you could obtain that which you desire. You could focus upon what you desire and feel yourself vibrating in harmony with it, becoming one with your desire. That would be a wonderful use of your ability to focus, and you would find yourself living a beautiful life, filled with serendipity and synchronicity, with wonderful manifestation after wonderful manifestation, if you could master the art of focusing.
And of course, once you focus on the bright and shiny aspects of life that you want to have more of in your experience, you tend to think bigger. You tend to want for others. You tend to want for the collective. Some of you do that even though you haven’t manifested much for yourselves. Either way, focusing is good, but focusing on what you want to experience more of is brilliant. It’s life affirming. It’s how you become more of who you are.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”