新紀元揚升之光 2018-09-25
Sananda via James McConnell, September 23d, 2018
I am lord Sananda
My Dearestheart , my precious sister, I come today to give you a message , a message oflove , a message of gratitude of blessings, I am blessed you have now connectedwith Aspects of your divine essence, you are part of a beautiful collective adivine monadic essence, and now is the time to Connect with those parts of self, you can learn from each other and develop ‘ support and love all aspectsof each over . ‘ you are no longer the disciple you areonce again the master, supporting each other and other parts of self isexpressed with love from the higher realms , it is a blessing to all cometogether again at this time.
As I cometo you in this divine Now in this zero point field of Oneness , to tell you andHumanity , That you are now at the point of the Great storm . now ‘ imagineyourself in the sea , You are in the middle of a great hurricane the waves arestarting to get to 100 feet then the waves get to 200 feet and so on and soforth then you find yourself in the centre of the eye of the storm , knowingthat you could be in the eye of the storm for a long time , days and weeks goby in your linear fashion and you are still in this storm , “ alas “ thensuddenly the waves start to calm down the clouds then part in the sky and theSun shines through ‘ the sunshine shines through so bright, that it lights upthe whole sky !! –
當我在這個神聖的時刻來到你們身邊,在這個合一的零點場,告訴你們和人類,你們現在正處於巨大風暴的中心。現在想像你自己在海裡,你正處於一場大颶風的中心,海浪達到了100英尺高,緊接著到達200英尺等等,然後你會發現自己在風暴眼的中心,要知道你可能會在風暴中呆很長一段時間,你們會以你們線性的方式數天或數周的時間一直在風暴裡,“哦”突然海浪開始平靜下來,然後天空中飄著幾朵雲,太陽照射下來,陽光閃耀著,它如此明亮,照亮了整個天空!!- - - - -
This Ispeak of is the changeover the Event !
You haveridded out the storm ‘ to come to that point oneness! To the point of pureneutrality.
My dearone you are riding the storm currently you are in the Centre of this Greatstorm, but remember all storms will eventually diminish for light toCometh again.
The Greatevent it’s just on the horizon , keep your chin above the waters edge, mydear one ,
I love youbeyond measure , I am with you more than you know , I am but a breath away fromyou .
All mydivine peace and love dear sister Aurora Athena .
我所有神聖的和平與和愛,親愛的姐妹Aurora Athena。