新紀元揚升之光 2018-08-29


Sananda viaJames McConnell, August 26th, 2018



IAM Sanada.



Asalways it is such a pleasure to be with you, to be able to share, and open upconsciousness within you and all around you or to assist in doing that. For that is what this is all about–is raising consciousness wherever you can,whenever you can.



Make it your dailyactivity, your daily purpose, you might say–to raise your consciousnesswhenever the opportunity arises, whatever it might be.  Feel the Lovecoursing through your body and as that Love moves through your body, send itout.  Send it out to whomever would have a need for it.  Let the Loveexpress outward.  For know that you AREthat Love, that expressed Love of the Father-MotherGod.  Let it always express outward.  Do not hold it in.  Let itout.  Express the Love, the Consciousness, the Light.



Asyou know, many things are continuing to change.  Many shifts arehappening.  And the same old-same old is no longer holding true. Some would still hold on to that, would want the status quo.  But that isall changing–for the status quo, the same old-same old–will not be allowed toomuch longer.  And for those that want to stay in that space and want tocontinue to know the familiar in their lives, that want to stay within thatcomfort zone that they have always known, that will be available to them; butfor those of you that are ready to move on into a Higher Level ofConsciousness, Higher Vibration, to actually experience in a full waking statethose dreams, those experiences you have been speaking of, to actually havethat on an every-moment basis, this is what is ahead for you.



And I tell you now, asSananda, it is time now to remain calm as the Storm approaches.  We havespoken of this Storm before.  You hear it in many different ways, andit IS approaching.  And with it, a great manychanges are coming.



Youonly need to continue to hold patience for just a little bit longer.  Forthe many things that have been happening in the background are now beginning tocome forward and are going to begin to become revealed.  And there isnothing that can stop it.  For it is destined.  It is destined forthe Truth to be revealed to all of mankind.



Andthe Truth shall come in many different ways from many different sources. One ofthose sources being your media.  For even that which you call the massmedia is beginning to turn.  Because those that are in control or havebeen in control are going to lose that control, or are going to turn it over,and the Truth will be revealed from many different directions.



Andit will be overwhelming to a great many who will begin to see some of thesethings, hear some of these things that you have been experiencing now for awhile.  They will hear it now for the first time.  And just as it wasquite shocking to you at times–some of the things that you have heard, thinkabout what it will be like for them when it all comes forward–almost all atonce.  They will be shocked.

這對很多人來說是壓倒性的,他們會開始看到這些,聽到一些你們已經經歷了的事情。他們將會第一次聽到這個消息。就像你們有時會感到震驚的一樣——你聽到的一些事情,想想當它們全部出現時會是什麼樣子 ——幾乎所有的事情都會是同時發生的。他們會感到震驚。


Andyou, those of you that have been preparing and acclimating to these energieswill be there to assist, to share, to open up those things which you have knownfor a while and it will be time for them to now know.



Iam Sananda.  I leave you now in Peace and Love and truly stay calm, forthe Storm does approach.



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