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Today we would like to focus upon the topic of deliberately changing your vibration. Certainly we are not denying that your reality is incredibly captivating. The duality that you exist within offers you a constant barrage of varying experiences in which to focus upon. What we would like to focus your attention upon is how you can raise your vibration so you become in alignment with your greatest desires.


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My dear friends, we love you so very much,

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Dear Ones,


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A reader recently asked,"What is the best way to deal with inner rage?"We would like to address that today.

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渠道:詹姆斯 泰伯龍 James Tyberonn   From: Earth-Keeper Chronicles

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Dear Ones,


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 新紀元揚升之光 今天聖


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新紀元揚升之光 2018-07-01


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Nothing is more powerful than the present moment of now. This is where magic is allowed to flow into our lives. The magic only comes in with a clear mind and surrendering into the unknown. The EGO programmed mind, has needs and wants and is designed to keep us enslaved in an endless loop of thoughts. This over thinking literally causes separation from our divinity, God within. Over thinking the past or future are ways the EGO mind keeps us from our connection to Source Creator. Time has run out for the EGO and humanity is being pushed to make a choice in love or fear. Humanity is experiencing a grand awakening; this is the time of ancient prophecies coming true. The global events and environmental changes are shaking people up. Pushing them past their comfort zones, now is the time to chose the higher road, to put into practice your spiritual disciplines the EGO programmed mind is done. Chose love and flow with the energies and experience this ascension in a glorious harmonious way or chose fear and have it spin you out and parish from non-resonance.


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新紀元揚升之光 2018-06-29


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One of the greatest ambitions of a light worker is to be an embodiment of the truth of the Creator, radiating this sacred truth through each action and reaction upon the Earth. To embody the truth of the Creator is not to be a fountain of knowledge and wisdom, instead, it is to experience an intimate relationship with the Creator within your being. To know and be familiar with the presence of the Creator transmitting through your being. The truth of the Creator is expansive, undefinable and fulfilling, it is an alignment with and an experience of all that is the Creator.


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I am archangel Michael,and I love you!


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A short energy update follows to help make sense of all the changes happening. Firstly we stress again the importance of eating light foods, as live as possible. Meaning containing as much life force as possible. If you are fortunate enough to have your own garden, harvesting foods and them eating them the same day is the way to go. If not, then purchase fresh foods daily and eat them well before they ‘expire’. The physical body is going through enormous cellular restructuring at this juncture and could use all the support it can get. Your body elemental will thank you!


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Dear friends,


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Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.


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   Natalie Glasson 傳遞

譯者 U2 覺醒

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