- Mar 26 Thu 2020 20:39
- Mar 25 Wed 2020 20:45
- Mar 25 Wed 2020 20:25
【光之兄弟群體】 《意大利疫情、宗教影響及人類合一》
- Mar 24 Tue 2020 21:42
【Hilarion】 《隱藏的王國在不斷地揭示自己》
The winds of change are upon the inhabitants of the Earth. The sweeping reforms to the existing structures of the old paradigm, begins in earnest. The crumbling and decay are evidenced everywhere and people are feeling the effects of the failure of the old paradigm systems that were in place. It is a time of intense self examination within each human heart. People are asking the important questions as they go within. They want to know what the purpose of their life is all about, why they are here on Earth and what do they need to know in order to find a secure foundation and foothold. It is a difficult time for these awakening ones and extreme kindness and patience is needed by those who are awake and aware.
- Mar 24 Tue 2020 21:22
- Mar 24 Tue 2020 21:15
【光之兄弟群體】 《在充滿恐懼的世界上做自己的主人》
- Mar 24 Tue 2020 20:42
【光之兄弟群體】 《為什麼兒童不容易感染病毒?》
- Mar 23 Mon 2020 23:14
- Mar 23 Mon 2020 20:56
- Mar 23 Mon 2020 20:30
【光之兄弟群體】 《大轉變中讓身體適應更高的振動頻率》