2024 年 11 月美國總統大選 - 第 9 屆大角星委員會 - 由丹尼爾·斯克蘭頓主持



我們在地球上觀察你們已經有一段時間了,我們確實知道你們喜歡對你們的政治、你們的候選人和你們的政府感到憤怒。我們也知道,很多人都在關注美國及其 11 月的總統選舉。你可以支持任何你想支持的候選人,你可以知道我們,大角星委員會,支持你們所有人。我們支持全人類,我們不偏袒任何一方。
















The U.S. Presidential Election: Nov. 2024 ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. 

We have been observing you there on Earth for quite some time now, and we do know that you like to get riled up over your politics, your candidates, and your governments. And we also know that a lot of eyes are on the United States and their presidential election in November. You can support whichever candidate you want to support, and you can know that we, The Arcturian Council, support all of you. We support all of humanity and we do not take sides.

And so, while you decide which candidate is your choice to be the next president of the United States, do so without taking a side. You can lend your energetic support and your ballot to the candidate that you prefer without pushing against the other candidate or the other political party. It is possible to do this, and if you are someone who is getting involved in the politics of the United States, then you would do well to take our advice. 

Understand that no one wins when two sides are pushing against each other with a tremendous force. It is only through working together, only through unity consciousness, that everyone wins. And so, we advise you not to focus on defeating anyone, whether it is a political person or the dark cabal. Instead, we invite you to promote love, peace, harmony, unity, a coming together of all peoples from all across the planet. That is what you are doing there on Earth, whether it looks that way or not. You are giving this idea of us-versus-them one last go round before you come together as one unified human race.

And yes, extra-terrestrial contact will play a part in that. It will get you to see yourselves as Earthlings first and foremost, and of from there you can see yourselves as Source Energy Beings first and foremost, and you will continue to evolve and ascend as you do so. That is what the e.t.s you will be encountering will want to teach you. They won’t just be handing over advanced technologies and med beds. They will be helping you to see yourselves as a unified whole and as Source Energy Beings. And you can start to do that right now, and you don’t have to let any election or any politician divide you. 

You can rise above that level of consciousness, and you can come into the knowing of who you really are by doing just that, by rising above the hate and the pushing against, the resistance and the judgment that is such a part of the politics in the United States and in most places across your world. You are the ones who are meant to be the wayshowers and to rise above it all, and we implore you to do so during the times when the energies are at their most heightened. Now is one of those times, of course.

We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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