我們非常尊重你們所有為自己選擇了極具挑戰性的生活的人,因為我們知道你們這樣做不僅僅是為了自己的經歷。 我們知道,你們中那些站出來承擔很多責任的人是在為你們的整個祖先做這件事。 你們正在幫助過去生活中的自己,你們正在幫助未來將要出生在你們家庭中的幾代人。 你們正在幫助你們在其他時間線上,甚至在其他宇宙中的平行方面。 你們也在幫助全人類度過一個非常具有挑戰性的生活環境,或者一些人甚至可能稱之為創傷,因為你們在向其他人展示還有另一種管道。
你們正在向每一個與你們有聯繫的人表明,他們也可以優雅、有尊嚴地應對生活中的挑戰,並通過他們感受到愛和喜悅。 生命的創傷不一定會壓垮任何人,而我們此時在地球上看到的是,被你們在化身前擺在你們面前的挑戰壓垮的人要少得多。
當面對一個看似無法克服的挑戰時,你們想做的第一件事就是接受它。第二件事是認識到你們選擇了它。第三件事是承認你們對它的感受。下一件事是感受這些情緒。 最後,在清除了這些情緒後,你們會對實際發生的事情有一個截然不同的看法。 你們將能够把它看作一個跳板,一種讓你們在靈性上成長的管道。
生活中所有的創傷、挑戰和悲劇都在把你們每個人推向一個特定的方向。 你們中的一些人成立了支持小組。 其他人與那些與他們一起經歷過這種情況的人建立了聯繫。 有些人在創傷期間有過靈性上的變革經歷,當你們聽說有人不僅在這些極具挑戰性的經歷中倖存下來,而且現在正在茁壯成長時,你們會受到鼓舞。 你們都應該互相激勵,沒有人應該同情地球上的其他人。 但是,同情別人和同情他們是不同的,你們都應該同情正在經歷痛苦的人類同胞。
當你們能為其中一個人保留空間,讓他們從中得到他們應該得到的東西,並最終茁壯成長時,那麼你們真的是在為他們服務,你們可以觀看並等待他們的時刻,他們會激勵你們和其他最終聽到他們故事的人。 這就是你們如何清除祖先的創傷,並在這個時候幫助與你們共用地球的每一個人。
Simple Steps to Clear Ancestral Trauma ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have an enormous amount of respect for all of you who have chosen very challenging lives for yourselves, because we know that you are not just doing it for your own experiences. We know that those of you who come forth and take on a lot are doing it for your entire ancestral line. You are helping past life versions of yourselves, and you are helping the generations that are to be born into your family in the future. You are helping parallel aspects of yourselves on other timelines and even in other universes. You are also helping all of humanity by moving through a very challenging life circumstance, or what some might even call a trauma, because you are showing others that there is another way.
You are showing everyone who is connected to you that they too can handle life’s challenges, with grace, with dignity, and with love and joy flowing to them and through them. Life’s traumas do not have to crush anyone, and what we are seeing there on Earth at this time is that far fewer of you are being crushed by those challenges that you placed in front of you before incarnating.
The first thing you want to do when facing a seemingly insurmountable challenge is accept it. The second thing you want to do is to recognize that you chose it. The third thing you want to do is acknowledge your emotions that you feel in regards to it. The next thing you want to do is feel those emotions. And finally, having cleared those emotions you will have a much different perspective on what it is that is actually happening. You will be able to see it as a springboard, a way for you to grow even more spiritually.
All of life’s traumas, challenges, and tragedies are nudging each and everyone of you in a particular direction. Some of you start support groups. Others form bonds with those who went through the circumstance with them. Some have spiritually transformative experiences during the trauma, and when you hear about someone who not only survived one of these very challenging experiences but also is thriving now, you get inspired. You are all meant to inspire each other, and no one is meant to pity anyone else there on Earth. But having compassion for someone is different from pitying them, and you are all meant to have compassion for your fellow humans who are going through the suffering that they are going through.
And when you can hold space for one of those individuals to get what they are supposed to get out of it and eventually thrive, then you really are being of service to them, and you can watch and wait for their moment where they will inspire you and everyone else who eventually hears their story. And that is how you clear ancestral trauma and help everyone who shares planet Earth with you at this time.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”