我們是你們的延伸,就像你們是我們的延伸一樣。 雖然這句話可以讓人內心感到溫暖和模糊,但它也迫使你們得出結論,每個人也是一個延伸,你們是他們的延伸。 對於那些想要分開的人來說,這可能會讓他們感到不安。 那些想在沙子上切割的人很難接受,他們之外的每一個人和每一件事都在他們的內心,也是他們的一部分,被投射到外面,目的是讓個人愛上自己墮落的一面。
墮落的東西總是可以被提升的。 失去的總是可以找到的,看似不可能的總是可能的。 為了改變一切,你只需要改變你看待世界的方式來改變一切,你可以通過改變你看待自己和生活中其他人的方式來開始這個過程。 你們害怕的,你們討厭的,你們批判的都像膠水一樣粘在你們身上,你們愛的東西就會膨脹。 你們所愛的東西給了你們更多瞭解自己的機會。 它讓你們有機會翱翔,找到自我的新面向,展現自我,並生活在快樂中。
因此,在這個時候,你們被要求專注於你們所愛的,而不是試圖擊敗你們所害怕或討厭的。 當你們真正明白所有的批判都是對自身的判斷時,你們就不想再這樣做了。 你們在那裡一起療癒,你們在那裡互相原諒。 你們會發現,放下怨恨的負擔會在很多方面解放你們。 當你們在生活中沒有茁壯成長時,原因總是你們自己。 在你們意識進化的這一點上,你們不能責怪一個黑暗的陰謀集團。 你們只需要對你們正在創造的東西負責,就可以超越它。
你們都有能力做得更多,但首先你們必須承認你們曾經是誰,以及你們現在選擇成為誰。 只有到那時,你們才能看到自己內心需要寬恕的地方。 由內而外的工作是在你們的生活中創造最大變化的管道,也是改變世界的管道。 你們可以用艱難的管道去做; 你們可以四處收集請願書的簽名,或者試圖在選票上投票,或者你們可以創建一個網站,在那裡你們所做的就是指出世界的問題以及誰是真正的作惡者。 或者,你們可以讓自己更輕鬆,只需看看自己的內心。
你們有太多的感受,太多的記憶,還有太多的東西要做,我們只希望你們走最直接的路,因為一切的一切都會引導回歸到你們自己,因為你們就是一切,一切都是你們。 我們也一直想賦予你們權力,這就是為什麼我們不把注意力集中在那些在你們的世界上做壞事的人身上,我們也不向你們提供陰謀論,這些陰謀論對你們的頭腦來說很有趣,但會耗盡你們的能量,降低你們的振動。
我們只是來給你們王國的鑰匙,然後讓你們决定你們想走哪條路。 我們和你們一樣對你們感興趣,希望你們在這一生中走最快的路,成為更高的自己。
Conspiracy Theories, Cabals & Keys to the Kingdom ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are an extension of what you are, just as you are an extension of what we are. And while that statement can make a human being feel all warm and fuzzy inside, it also forces you to conclude that each and every human being is also an extension, and you are an extension of them. And that can be troubling for those who want to separate. Those who want to draw a line in the sand have a very hard time accepting that everyone and everything outside of them is also inside of them, is also a part of them that is being projected on the outside for the purpose of getting the individual to love that fallen aspect of self.
What is fallen can always be uplifted. What is lost can always be found, and what seems like the impossible is always possible. You just need to change the way you look at the world in order to change everything, and you can start that process by changing the way you look at yourselves and everyone else who is in your life. What you fear, what you hate, and what you judge sticks to you like glue, and what you love expands. What you love gives you more of an opportunity to know yourself. It gives you the opportunity to soar, to find new aspects of self, to manifest, and to live in joy.
Therefore, you are being called at this time to focus on what you love, instead of trying to defeat what you fear or what you hate. And when you truly understand that all judgment is judgment of the self, then you won’t want to do it anymore. You are all there healing together, and you are there to forgive one another. You will find that letting go of the burden of resentment will free you up in so many ways. When you are not thriving and soaring in life, it is always you that is the reason. You cannot blame a dark cabal at this point in your evolution of consciousness. You simply must take responsibility for what you are creating in order to move beyond it.
You all have the ability to be so much more, but first you have to acknowledge who you have been and who you are choosing to be in the moment. It is only then that you will be able to see what needs forgiving within yourself. Working from the inside out is the way to create the biggest changes in your lives, and it is the way to change the world. You can go about it the hard way; you can go around gathering signatures for a petition or to try to get something on a ballot to be voted upon, or you can create a website where all you do is point out what is wrong with the world and who the true evildoers are. Or you can make it a lot easier on yourselves and just look within.
There is so much for you to feel, so much for you to remember, and so much more for you to become, and we just want you to take the most direct route, because everything will always lead you back to yourselves, because you are everything and everything is you. And we also always want to empower you, which is why we do not focus our attention on those who do evil on your world, and we do not offer you conspiracy theories that are very entertaining for your minds but that deplete your energy and lower your vibration.
We are just here to offer you the keys to the kingdom, and then we let you decide which route you want to take. We are as interested as you all are in you taking the fastest route to you becoming your higher selves in this lifetime.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”