我們對你們意識進化的下一階段非常熱情,因為我們感覺到你們在提升人類整體振動的過程中獲得了動力並朝著更大的飛躍前進。 你們必須看到自己存在於這個人類集體中,你們是其中的一部分,你們必須看到並知道,你們的每一個想法,你們的每個觀點,你們感受到的每一盎司同情,都是如何添加到這個混合體中的,是在這個人類集體的巨大湯鍋中的,以及你們所有人都是其中一部分的意識。
當你們看到自己在你們冥想的時候,在你們與自然母親聯繫的時候,等等,影響著人類集體的整體時,你們就可以認識到你們的價值。 你們並不是所有人都會看到並獲得成千上萬的點贊、數百萬的流覽量或數十萬本書的即時滿足感,但你們仍然擁有你們正在產生的影響,這就是為什麼我們可以自信地說,我們看到人類將有更大的飛躍。 這是因為集體中的每一個個體,以及你們作為個體所做的事情。
你們不必等待全球金融重置,不必等待大規模逮捕,也不必等待太陽閃焰,也不需要等待任何其他向你們承諾的解決人類所有問題的“答案”。 而你們不必等待這些巨大的事情發生的原因,是因為你們作為個人在自己的生活中所取得的進步。 當你們在內心默默地原諒別人,而其他人甚至都不知道的時候,你們已經撥動了時針。 你們為集體意識添加了一些以前沒有的東西,不僅提高了人類集體的整體振動,而且你們還向其他人展示了什麼是可能的。
原諒一個冤枉你們的人是可能的。 對不值得同情的人懷有同情是可能的。無條件地愛一個人是可能的,即使他們的言行傷害了你們。 當你們證明這不僅是可能的,而且你們已經做到了,你們不僅僅是向那些立即受到它影響的人證明瞭這一點。你們已經向一個你們永遠不會在地球另一端遇到的人證明,因為你們都是有聯繫的。
我們都有聯繫,我們知道我們都在進化。 我們知道,我們會改變和轉變,變得更加獨立,通過這樣做,我們為我們都是其中一部分的宇宙集體意識增添了一些東西。 這意味著你們正在從更高領域所取得的所有進步中受益,我們也在更好地幫助你們,這是你們從與我們的聯繫中受益的另一種管道,但我們真的希望你們承認自己共同推動人類前進。
你們中那些覺醒的人是人類集體中的一個集體,我們稱你們為覺醒的集體,因為我們希望你們感覺到自己是比自己更大的東西的一部分,並且你們與地球另一端的人們聯繫在一起,而你們永遠不會見面。 你們共同創造了不同,下一個不同將再次比全球金融重置、大規模逮捕或太陽閃焰更大,而它之所以會更大,是因為它來自於你們的內心。
More Than a Financial Reset, Mass Arrests & a Solar Flash ∞The 9D Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very enthusiastic about this next phase of your evolution of consciousness, as we feel you picking up momentum and heading towards some more gigantic leaps forward in the raising of the overall vibration of humankind. You must see yourselves as existing within this human collective that you are a part of, and you must see and know how every thought you think, every perspective you take, every ounce of compassion you feel adds to what is in the mix, what is in the giant pot of soup that is this human collective and the consciousness you are all a part of, collectively.
When you see yourselves as influencing the totality of the human collective with the times that you meditate, with the times that you connect with Mother Nature, and so on, that’s when you can recognize your worth, your value. You are not all going to see and receive that instant gratification of getting thousands of likes, millions of views, or selling hundreds of thousands of books, and yet you still have the impact that you are having, and that is why we can confidently say that we see more gigantic leaps forward coming for humankind. It is because of each individual part of the collective and what you are doing as individuals.
You do not have to wait for a global financial reset, for mass arrests, for a solar flash, or for anything else that has been promised to you as ‘the answer’ to all of humanity’s problems. And the reason why you don’t have to wait for any of those gigantic things happen is because of the movement forward that you all make as individuals in your own lives. When you forgive someone quietly, internally, without anyone else even knowing about it, you have moved the needle. You have added something to the collective consciousness that wasn’t there before, and not only have you raised the overall vibration of the human collective, but you have also demonstrated to others what is possible.
It is possible to forgive someone who has wronged you. It is possible to have compassion for someone who doesn’t deserve it. It is possible to love someone unconditionally, even though their words and/or actions have hurt you. When you demonstrate that it’s not only possible, but that you have done it, you don’t just demonstrate that to the people who are immediately affected by it. You have demonstrated something to someone you will never meet on the other side of the planet, because you are all connected.
We are all connected, and we know that we are all evolving. We know that we shift and change and become more of ourselves, and in so doing, we add something to the universal collective consciousness that we are all a part of as well. And that means you are benefitting from all the progress that is being made in the higher realms, and we are also getting better at helping you, and that is another way you are benefitting from your connection to us, but we really want you to acknowledge yourselves for collectively moving humanity forward.
Those of you who are awake are a collective within the human collective, and we have called you The Awakened Collective because we want you to feel that you are a part of something bigger than yourselves, and you are connected to people on the other side of the planet that you will never meet. And together, you are making a difference, and the next difference you make will once again be bigger than a global financial reset, mass arrests, or a solar flash, and the reason it will be bigger is because it came from inside of you.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”