





我們讓自己只關注人類最正面的未來,我們建議大家也這樣做。 我們注意到,關注人類最正面的未來時間線是,它們在不斷擴展和發展,以包括我們所做的更多積極的經驗。我們已經意識到,我們正在與所有關注人類最佳時間線的人共同創造這些正面的未來。 你們中那些訓練自己正面思考並期望最好的人正在與我們所有人在更高的領域共同創造,我們看到了個人和人類作為一個集體最美麗、最神奇、最奇妙的揚升體驗。


現在,你們正在選擇你們正在與未來的哪個版本對齊,你們正在用你們現在所提供的振動來這樣做。 沒有一個未來,每個未來都是可延展的。 每一個未來都可能包含更多的快樂和喜悅的神奇體驗。 它們隨著你們對它們的關注而擴展,以包含更多你們所有人都想擁有的那些令人心曠神怡、令人心曠的體驗。


你們中的許多人已經學會了忽視主流媒體,現在你們必須對那些宣揚對未來的悲觀和的新老年人採取同樣的做法,因為他們有很多,你們必須運用自己的洞察力。 你們必須確定你們是否想在一個負面的時間線上新增更多的能量,而唯一的辦法就是,當你們看到有人預測糧食短缺、第三次世界大戰、金融崩潰以及一些人剛剛確信的為了人類的發展必須發生的其他一切時,你們要關注自己的感受。 你們可以在痛苦和苦難中成長,但它們不是成長的先決條件


你們可以通過專注於你們的內心、你們的愛、你們和其他人的源頭能量而成長這就是我們推薦的。 我們已經看到你們所有人都在經歷擴張、愛、快樂、自由、創造力、富足以及你們想要體驗的一切,我們邀請你們加入我們,加入我們對你們所有人的積極期望,他們知道如何利用你們的專注力創造現實,並為你們想要體驗到的東西投入更多的能量。





Timelines, Futures, Predictions & You ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are letting ourselves focus on only the most positive futures for humanity, and we suggest you all do the same. What we have noticed about focusing on the most positive future timelines for humanity is that they expand and grow to include more positive experiences as we do. What we have come to realize is that we are co-creating these positive futures with all of you who are focused on the best possible timelines for humanity. Those of you who have trained yourselves to think positively and to expect the best are co-creating with all of us in the higher realms, and we see the most beautiful, magical, wondrous ascension experiences for individuals and for humanity as a collective. 

You are, right now, choosing which version of the future you are aligning with, and you are doing so with the vibration you are offering right now. There is not one future, and every future is malleable. Every future can contain more magical experiences of joy and delight. They expand with your focus upon them to contain more of those absolutely mind-blowing, heart-opening experiences that you all want to have.

Many of you have taught yourselves to ignore mainstream media, and now you must do the same with new agers who are preaching doom and gloom about the future, because there are plenty of them out there, and you must use your discernment. You must determine whether you want to add more energy to a negative timeline, and the only way to do that is to tune in to how you are feeling when you see someone predicting food shortages, world war 3, financial collapse and everything else that some people are just convinced must happen in order for humanity to grow. You can grow through pain and suffering, but they are not prerequisites to growth. 

You can grow through focusing on your heart, the love that you are, the Source Energy Being that you are and that everyone else is, and that’s what we recommend. We’ve seen you all riding the wave of expansion, love, joy, freedom, creativity, abundance, and everything else you want to experience, and we invite you to join us in that positive expectation that we have for all of you who know how to use the power of your focus to create realities and to put more energy towards what you want to experience. 

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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