我們正在幫助你們更加瞭解自己的真實身份,我們將這視為我們對你們的首要目標。 有時,我們會給你們一些話語和提醒,讓你們記住你們真正之所是的真相,如無條件的愛,如源頭。 其他時候,正是通過能量傳輸,我們在提醒你們真正的自己。 當你們收到來自我們的某些資訊時,你們也會得到DNA啟動,從而拼凑出你們的銀河歷史。 你們在我們這個星系中都有過歷史,你們扮演過許多不同的角色,你們中的大多數人都在許多不同的恒星系統中。
你們必須瞭解每一個生命嗎? 不,這太多了,任何人都無法處理。 但這有助於你們認識到你們有一段歷史,除了地球上的人類居住之外,你們還有很多其他的東西。 這對你們有幫助,因為你們在每一天的每一刻都變得更加自信。 知曉你們已經去過那裡,你們已經走過了這些道路,有助於你們更輕鬆地到達那裡,並滿懷希望地獲得更多的快樂。 你們不是在重新發明輪子,你們不是在從一個低等人類的狀態爬上進化階梯。 你們已經在其他經歷中被提升,並且已經知道自己擁有的能力、天賦和力量遠遠超出了你們此刻在地球上所看到的。
這就是為什麼你們中有那麼多人想回家; 這是因為你們已經有了一些活躍的外星人DNA,你們可以感覺到昴宿星系統或大角星系統的情况更好。 他們曾經,你們在那裡將這些記憶帶到光明,將天堂帶到地球,將整個銀河系的各種系統融合在一起,這樣我們就可以成為一個統一的銀河系社區。 我們都從我們銀河系其他人的經歷中受益,而你們在地球上所經歷的一切都在造福整個銀河系的所有人。 你們選擇了進入一個如此極性、如此密度的地方,並忘記了回家是一種我們都很好奇的經歷。
我們都想知道這是什麼感覺以及你們是如何做到的,我們都想幫助你們。 所以,每當你們遇到UFO或外星人時,它都會提醒你們你們是誰,並給你們一個啟動。 這是為了讓你們做好準備,迎接那一刻,當你們正式成為銀河社區的一部分時,這是為了給你們作為一個個體一些希望,一些努力的東西,因為你們在那裡進行轉變,完成向第五維度的過渡。 現在你們生活中正在發生和沒有發生的一切都是為了在你們下面點燃一把火,讓你們在第五維度意識中存在,第五維度的頻率和存在狀態,我們很高興能和你們一起參與這場旅程。
When You See a UFO or E.T., This Happens ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are helping you to become more aware of who you really are, and we see that as our primary purpose to you. At times we are giving you the words, the reminders, to get you to remember the truth of who you really are as unconditional love, as Source. Other times it is through energy transmissions that we are reminding you of who you really are. And when you receive certain transmissions from us, you also get DNA activations that will piece together your galactic history. You all have a history in this galaxy of ours, and you have played many different roles and most of you in many different star systems.
Do you have to know about each of those lifetimes? No, that would be too much for any mind to be able to handle. But it helps for you to recognize that you have a history and that you have been many other things besides a human dwelling on planet Earth. It helps you because you are becoming more of yourself in every moment of every day. And to know that you have already been there, that you have already traversed those paths, helps you get there more easily and hopefully with more joy in your hearts. You are not reinventing the wheel, and you are not just scratching and clawing your way up an evolutionary ladder from a state of being a lowly human. You have been quite exalted in other experiences, and have known yourselves as having abilities, gifts, powers that go far beyond what you are seeing on Earth at this time.
This is why so many of you want to go home; it is because you already have some of your e.t. DNA active, and you can sense that things were better in the Pleiadian star system or the Arcturian star system. And they were, and you are there to bring those memories to light, to bring the heavens to Earth, to merge the various systems throughout the galaxy so that we can be one united galactic community. We all benefit from what the others in our galaxy have experienced, and all the experiences you are having there on Earth are benefitting all of us throughout the galaxy. You chose to go into a place of such polarity, such density, and to forget to such an extent that the coming home is an experience that we are all curious about.
We all want to know what it feels like and how you are doing it, and we all want to help. And so any time you have an encounter with a UFO or an e.t., it is to remind you of who you really are and to give you an activation. It is to prepare you for that moment when you will officially become a part of the galactic community, and it is to give you as an individual something to hope for, something to strive for, something to work towards, as you are there to make that shift, to complete the transition to the fifth dimension. And everything that is happening and not happening in your life right now is about lighting a fire underneath you to get you to exist in that fifth-dimensional consciousness, that fifth-dimensional frequency and state of being, and we are very happy to be a part of that ride with you.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”