我們對你們作為一個集體在地球上的前進方向充滿熱情。 我們注意到地球上有多少人最近覺醒了,我們感受到了他們的熱情、他們的興奮,他們渴望探索自己的真實身份以及他們能創造什麼。 新覺醒的人在創造方面有一個優勢,這是你們這些覺醒了一段時間的人所沒有的優勢。 當你們所有人身上都有更快的能量移動時,他們正在實現這一點。
現在,越來越快的顯現是可能的,他們將受益於以前從未嘗試過顯現但失敗的東西。 你們中那些已經覺醒了一段時間的人已經嘗試了顯化,但還沒有成功足夠多次,很多人已經放棄了,或者至少由於他們過去顯化失敗而開始夢想小得多。 因此,你們中那些已經醒了很長一段時間的人,實際上有很多東西要向那些剛剛覺醒過來的人學習。 你們會看到他們走上了快車道,你們會注意到他們看起來是多麼容易,因為他們沒有疲憊,因為他們並沒有像你們中的一些已經覺醒了更長時間的人一樣,被大量的沉重的能量困住。
沒關係,這是可以理解的,但也是時候擺脫那些自我強加的束縛,意識到你們生活在一個全新的時代。 你們正在未知的水域中游泳,你們對自己想要創造的東西有著比人類歷史上任何時候地球上都更強大的支持。 準備好走得更遠,更快地顯現,成為你們永遠都會成為的主人,即使你們中的很多人已經在一定程度上放棄了。
有些人只是在等待轉變的完成,這樣他們就可以隨時顯現,但你們中那些能感受到能量的人知道,這是一個處於創造模式的美好時刻。 這是一個美好的時刻,讓你們的心、思想和目光聚焦於眾所周知的獎項。 你們現在正站在一場前所未有的意識進化之中,我們希望看到你們中更多的老靈魂獲得更多的渴望。
你們中那些已經在街區裏待了好幾次的人,現在需要新覺醒的人們給聚會帶來的熱情。 讓他們告訴你們什麼是可能的; 讓他們給你們驚喜。 當他們需要的時候,當他們要求的時候,要引導他們,但要儘量避免讓他們夢想太大,因為如果你們這樣做,他們會證明你們錯了。
Faster & Faster Manifestation by the Newly Awakened ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are electrified with enthusiasm about where you are headed as a collective there on Earth. We have noticed how many individuals there on Earth have awakened recently, and we have felt their enthusiasm, their excitement, their eagerness to explore who they really are and what they can create. The newly awakened actually have an advantage in the creation department, an advantage that those of you who have been awake for a while didn’t have. They are coming to this realization at a time when there are faster moving energies upon all of you.
Faster and Faster manifestation is possible now, and they will benefit from not ever having tried to manifest something previously and failed. Those of you who have been awake for a while have attempted to manifest and have not been successful enough times that many have given up, or at least started to dream a lot smaller as a result of their past failures at manifesting. Therefore, those of you who have been awake for quite some time actually have a lot to learn from those who are newly awakened. You will see them on the fast track, and you will notice how easy they make it look, because they are not jaded, because they are not bogged down by a lot of heavy energy, as some of you who have been awake for longer have.
It’s all right, and it’s understandable, but it’s also time to throw off those shackles that are self imposed and to realize that you are living in a brand new era. You are swimming in uncharted waters, and you have more energetic support for what you want to create than there has ever been on planet Earth at any time in human history. Get ready to go further, to manifest more quickly, and to become the masters that you were always going to become, even though a lot of you have given up to a certain extent.
Some people are just waiting for the shift to be complete so that they can instantly manifest all the time, but those of you who can feel the energies upon you know that this is a beautiful time to be in creation mode. This is a wonderful time to have your hearts, minds, and eyes set on the proverbial prize. You are standing in the midst of an evolution of consciousness right now that is unprecedented, and we would like to see more of you who are old souls getting more of what you desire.
Those of you who have been around the block quite a few times need that injection of enthusiasm that the newly awakened are bringing to the party right now. Let them show you what is possible; let them surprise you. And guide them when they need it, when they ask for it, but try to avoid discouraging them from dreaming too big, because they will prove you wrong if you do.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”