





我們在每一個詞的意義上都非常忠於自己。 我們永遠不會假裝自己不是什麼人,我們會永遠追隨自己的感覺。 我們現在是沒有身體思考和感覺的人。 因此,在第九維度中沒有撒謊,因為沒有辦法向任何其他人或集體隱藏你們的想法或感受。 我們都是開放的書籍,這樣做是非常自由的。 無論你們認為你們需要向別人隱瞞什麼,最終都可能會浮出水面,你們都會下意識地、非言語地與他們溝通。 所以你們不妨用一種你們覺得很好的管道來表達它。


我們知道,你們和其他人的對話並不總是容易的,但我們也知道,接受你們想要表達給另一個人的任何東西,然後從你們內心的平靜的地方表達出來,這對你們大有裨益。 通常,最終,你們都會對別人對你們要對他們說的話的反應感到驚訝。 你們帶了這麼長時間的沉重的負擔和重量已經消失了,你們從一開始就意識到沒有必要背負它。


你們有很多東西可以與他人分享。 你們可以給你們的人類同胞很多東西,包括允許他們真實地表現自己,並向他們生活中需要向的人說出他們的真相。 要忠於自己,去你們想去的地方,做你們想做的事,在任何給定的時刻和你們想和誰在一起。 你們不需要保持沉默或默默忍受,因為有時你們會和某人交流一些事情,他們會感到安心,因為他們也有同樣的感覺。


開放有很多好處,包括你們將為第五維度做好準備,在那裡你們也會有心靈感應,不會對任何人隱瞞任何事情。 現在,你們可以和另一個人交流的最重要的事情之一就是你們的感受。 很多時候,你們會認為你們在表達你們的感受,而實際上你們根本沒有表達。 你們需要用情緒化的語言告訴對方你們的感受,這樣他們才能真正理解你們所經歷的一切,這樣他們才有機會同情你們。


這樣做會改變一切。 它會釋放堵塞物。 它會讓你們擺脫被卡住的情緒能量,然後讓你們感受到你們想要感受的管道,從而在你們的生活中表現出你們想要表現的東西。 然後,你們也會看到你們的另一個人是否真的關心你們的感受。 這些資訊對你們來說很有價值,因為你們想和那些瞭解他們的感受、表達他們的感受以及關心你們感受的人在一起。


你們都可以做到這一點,這個假期的這個時候是一個很好的機會,可以和你們生活中的其他人,你們愛的人,愛你們的人一起這樣做。 不要讓所有的愛都是有條件的。 敞開心扉,像你們一樣被愛,給每個人同樣的機會,當你們這樣做的時候,你們會更加享受你們所愛的人的陪伴。





Do This & Everything Will Change (for the Better) ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very true to ourselves in every sense of the word. We will never pretend to be something we are not, and we will always follow our feelings. We are now beings who think and feel without bodies. And so, there is no lying in the ninth dimension because there is no way of hiding what you are thinking or feeling from any other being or collective. We are all open books, and it is very liberating to be that way. Whatever it is you think you need to hide from someone else will probably come out eventually, and you are communicating it to them subconsciously and nonverbally anyway. So you might as well verbalize it in a way that feels good to you.

We know conversations that you have with other people are not always easy, but we also know that it benefits you so much to accept, to make peace with whatever it is you want to express to another person, and then to express it from that place of peace within yourself. Oftentimes, you all are surprised by the responses of others to what you have to say to them, eventually. And that heavy burden, that weight, that you carried around with you for so long is gone, and you realize it was unnecessary from the very beginning to carry it.

You have so much within you to share with others. There is so much that you can give to your fellow humans, including the permission to be exactly who they are and to speak their truth to whomever they need to speak it to in their lives. Be true to yourselves by going where you want to go, doing what you want to do, and being with whomever you want to be with in any given moment. You do not need to hold anything in or suffer in silence, because sometimes you will communicate something to someone, and they will feel relieved because they felt the same way.

There are so many advantages to opening up, including the fact that you will be preparing yourselves for the fifth dimension, where you too will all be telepathic, and there will be no hiding of anything from anyone. Now, one of the most important things that you can communicate to another person is what you are feeling. And oftentimes you will think you are communicating what you are feeling when you are actually not communicating it at all. You need to tell the person how you feel in emotional words so they really understand what you are going through, and so they have the opportunity then to be compassionate to you.

Doing this will change everything. It will release blockages. It will free you of stuck emotional energy, and it will then allow you to feel the way that you want to feel and therefore manifest what you want to manifest in your life. You will also then see whether the other person you are with actually cares about how you feel or not. That information is valuable to you, because you want to be around people who are aware of their feelings, expressing them, and who care about what your feelings are as well.

You all can do this, and this time of the holiday season is a wonderful opportunity to do so with the others in your life that you love and who love you. Don’t just allow all the love to be conditional. Open up and be love as you do, and give everyone the chance to do the same, and you will enjoy the company of your loved ones so much more when you do.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

    創作者 iam66 的頭像


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