我們感到非常榮幸能得到你們中那些給予我們關注的人的關注。 我們知道目前有多少人在爭奪你們的關注,我們很高興能有和我們一樣多的人接收我們的傳輸。 你們有能力感受到你們從一個人或一群人身上得到的真相,當你們恰當地運用這種辨別力時,你們就會得到讓你們的心膨脹的資訊。 收到傳輸後,你們感覺比開始傳輸時好。
我們建議你們對你們所做的一切都使用同樣的方法,包括你們的食物以及你們觀看娛樂節目或收聽broadcast或音樂的內容。 更多地關注你們的感受,而不是關注某件事是否有趣或刺激。 你們可能會收聽某人或某物,因為他們與你們有相同的信仰,但當你們與這個人或這個團體相處的時間結束時,你們仍然感覺比收聽前更糟。也許這表明,專注於某一特定主題本身會降低你們的振動,使你們與其他人和他們的團體對立。
現在不是這樣做的時候,現在是非常密切關注你們的感受的時候,因為你們確實想最大限度地發揮此刻你們身上能量的影響。 你們有能力建立這麼多,創造這麼多,並與這麼多人共同創造。 如果你們能感受到某人的振動,並注意到他們確實感覺很好,那麼這就是你們的暗示,你們註定要與那個人共同創造和合作。 這個時候你們可以一起做的事情是如此美麗,如此美妙,如此神奇,你們可以獨自做的事情也非常令人興奮。
當你們與我們或更高領域的其他人合作時,你們真的是在最大限度地發揮你們作為創造者和宣言者的潜力。 你們不必等到看到你們感興趣的東西才去創造。 你們只需要一種感受的欲望就可以創造。 你們知道你們想要感受到快樂、愛、和平、創造力、自信、自由等等,而處於這些振動中會給你們帶來一些事情,把你們的注意力放在上面,與他人合作完成,這就是生活的肯定。
把你們的注意力放在感覺良好的事情上,並盡可能地朝着它前進,這是令人振奮的。 同樣,與其他人類和非物質存有或外星人合作者一起這樣做,將為這個項目新增更多的能量,你們將在你們的意識和進化中飆升到新的高度,這就是你們能要求自己的全部。 你們不必獲得任何獎項或榮譽,因為這種感受已經足够了,當它對你們足够時,你們就知道你們真的在地球上找到了什麼。
Maximize the Potential of the Energies Upon You ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are feeling very privileged to have the attention of those of you who give us your attention. We do know how many are vying for your attention at this time, and we are pleased to have as many of you as we do tuning in to our transmissions. You have the ability to feel in to the truth of what you are getting from an individual or a group of individuals, and when you use that discernment appropriately, you are led to information that causes your heart to expand. You feel better after receiving the transmission than you did when it started.
We advise you to use this same approach to everything that you take in, and that includes your food and what you watch for entertainment or listen to as a podcast or music. Pay more attention to how you feel than to whether something is interesting or intellectually stimulating. You might tune in to someone or something because they have the same political beliefs that you have, but at the end of the time you spend with that person or with that group, you still feel worse than you did before you tuned in. And perhaps that is an indication that focusing on that particular subject itself is lowering your vibration, pitting you against someone else and their group.
Now is not the time to do that, and now is the time to pay very close attention to how you feel, because you really do want to maximize the impact of the energies that are upon you at this very moment. You have the ability to build so much, to create so much, and to co-create with so many. And as you can feel for the vibration of someone and notice that they do feel very good, then that is your indication that you are meant to co-create and collaborate with that individual. What you can do together at this time is so beautiful, so wonderful, so magical, and what you can do on your own is also very exciting.
When you collaborate with us, or others in the higher realms, then you are really maximizing your potential as a creator being and a manifestor. You don’t have to wait until you see something that is interesting to you in order to create. You can create with nothing more than a desire to feel something. You know you want to feel joy, love, peace, creativity, confidence, freedom, and so on, and sitting in any of those vibrations will bring you something to do, to put your attention on, to collaborate with others in the completion of, and that is life affirming.
It’s invigorating to put your attention towards something that feels good and to move towards it in whatever way that you can. And again, doing so with other humans and nonphysical, or e.t. collaborators, will add more energy to the project, and you will soar to new heights in your consciousness, and in your evolution, and that is all that you can ask of yourselves. You don’t have to get any awards or accolades, because the feeling is enough, and when it is enough for you, then you know you are really onto something there on planet Earth.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”