我們極有興趣與人類平等合作。 我們可以告訴你們,我們知道在任何情況下什麼對你們都是最好的,因為我們在第九維度的高處,我們已經經歷了第四、第五、第六、第七和第八維度。 但是,夥伴關係對你們和我們都有好處的原因是,你們是生活在地球上的人,感受著情感,經歷著創傷事件,為了生存而不得不工作。 你們是那個知道此刻在地球上體驗人類生活的人。
所以,不要把你們的力量交給我們或任何其他人,他們告訴你們,作為個人,他們對你們有所有的答案,或者他們知道什麼是對全人類最好的。 當你們睡著的時候,我們會在星光層與你們中的許多人會面,因為我們需要你們的幫助來決定給你們什麼樣的幫助,我們仍然不能百分之百地確定我們提供給你們的東西會起作用,或者它會為你們服務。 我們告訴你們這一點是因為我們想永遠賦予你們權力。
我們希望你們知道,你們是擁有最多資訊和經驗的人,這就是為什麼我們不斷告訴你們,你們是帶領人類進入第五維度的人。 你們中那些與我們剛才所說的內容產生共鳴的人必須特別小心,不要把你們的力量讓給那些說他們知道什麼對你們或全人類都是正確的人。 請記住,你們都在一起,不管別人說什麼,他們都不知道所有的答案。 沒有人能夠解決所有這些問題,你們必須作為一個集體來解決。 記住,每個人都是容易犯錯誤的,他們可能會得到錯誤的東西。
相信你們自己。 相信你們的直覺和衝動。 不要問別人那個標誌或符號對你們意味著什麼,因為沒有人比你們更清楚它意味著什麼。 你們創造了百分之百的現實,所以你們把那個標誌或那個符號放在你們面前,因為你們知道你們將如何解釋它。 我們鼓勵你們放棄把任何人放在你們之上或低於你們的想法,並認識到,鑒於你們所承受的創傷,你們都在盡你們所能做到最好。
當你們入睡時,繼續持有這個意願,在星光層與我們以及其他像我們一樣的人一起連結,我們將共同取得一些進展。 但這段旅程永遠是關於旅程,而不僅僅是到達目的地。 記住這一點,你們就能過上幸福的生活。
Giving Your Power Away to Ones Who Claim to Know All ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are extremely interested in working with humanity as partners, as equals. We could tell you that we know what is best for you in every situation because we are here on our lofty perch in the ninth dimension, and we have been through the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth dimensions. But the reason why a partnership is better for you and for us is because you are the ones living life there on Earth, feeling emotions, suffering through traumatic events, and having to work just to survive. You are the ones who know what it’s like to be having a human experience on planet Earth at this time.
So do not give your power away to us or anyone else who is telling you that they have all the answers for you as an individual, or that they know what is best for all of humankind. We meet with so many of you in the astral plane when you are asleep because we need your help in determining what kind of help to give you, and we are still not always one hundred percent certain that what we are offering you is going to work or that it serves you. And we tell you this because we want to empower you always.
We want you to know that you are the ones who have the most information and experience, and that is why we are constantly telling you that you are the ones to lead humankind into the fifth dimension. Those of you who resonate with what we have just stated must be especially careful not to give your power away to someone who says that they know what is right for you or for all of humanity. Remember that you are all in this together, and no matter what anyone says, they do not have all the answers. No one has all of this figured out, and you are meant to figure it out as a collective. Remember that everyone is fallible and can get what they are receiving wrong.
And trust yourselves. Trust your instincts, your intuition, the impulses that you get. Don’t ask someone else what that sign or symbol means to you, because no one knows better than you what it means. You create one hundred percent of your reality, so you put that sign or that symbol in front of you because you knew how you would interpret it. We encourage you to let go of the idea of putting anyone above yourself or beneath you, and recognize that you are all doing the best that you can, given the traumas that you are carrying around with you.
And continue to hold that intention as you fall asleep to visit with us, and others like us, in the astral plane, and together we will make some progress. But this journey will always be about the journey and not about just getting to the destination. Remember that, and you can live a happy life.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”