Dear brothers of this beautiful planet! I AM METATRON!
Continuing this beautiful journey, today we will be focusing on expanding your consciousness, understanding, clearing. We will be focused on bringing the truth, whatever that may be; beautiful, ugly, easy to digest or difficult. This is a special moment in your journey, it is the moment where you are having the opportunity to look at all that is necessary for cleaning, for the evolution of your Souls.
Hearts hurt, minds are extremely confused, there is a reaction in not changing, in not doing, in not accepting. Any and all changes are never simple and easy. Adapting to new concepts, new ideas, new habits is never easy, it always takes time for the body and mind to adapt to the new.
So begin to imagine that you bring in habits, concepts, from ages; not of months, not of years; of ages. And all are coming to the fore with their own energy charge of the time. The further back in time, the heavier, because the mistakes made then were much more serious than those made today. Just as an example for you to understand. Killing was a habit… yes, a common habit. There was no remorse, there was no judgment, there was no pain for those who killed, because they always believed they were doing it in the name of something very important. Today, you have a new idea about what killing is. Unfortunately not all. Many still have that concept that there is no remorse in killing. You kill a brother like you kill an insect, without any remorse or analysis.
So the burden that comes from the past is not an easy burden, it is not an easy image, it is not an easy sensation to be understood and digested. So I ask each of you to at least have the awareness, have the understanding of the enormous opportunity that is being given to each of you to get rid of it all, to put an end to it; or not. It will be up to each one to accept and deal with and change what comes; understand, learn, end the lesson, or not; or leave it where it came from and simply choose not to look, not to treat, not to change.
Right now the choice of each of you is the priority, and according to that choice, you will gain small passports that will allow you to enter the ascension road. These passports are not physical; they would be like keys of vibration, where placed in you, when you reach that point of that key, you are automatically transported to a new road, maybe a little more difficult, maybe a little more internal; and so will your ascension journey.
Minor issues addressed now; big problems dealt with later on, because you need to be ready to face big problems, big truths. So it's like a medicine that is very bad, and you start by taking a drop to adapt to the taste. After a while, they start taking 2 drops and take a little longer to adapt. Further on 3 drops, and so on. Until the day will come when you drank a full glass. So realize that it won't be easy to get to the glass.
But the proposal here on this journey is precisely for you to take these drops, gradually, and learning to bear the bitter taste and get used to taking one more drop each day, to increase the dose. And only then, with learning, with understanding, with cleaning, will you earn these little passports. See this process as a series of roads. There is not a single road, there are many; each with a vibration. And as you go up you change roads, you become part of a more vibrant road.
Now all this depends on your choices. Facing mistakes, problems, heavy energies, is a choice. We don't force you to do anything. The choice is entirely yours. Now for those who choose to follow the journey, follow the road, rest assured, that we are there, together, each one of us, putting bandages on the wounds of the journey, giving a lap for those moments of despair, enveloping you in a mist of Light, of Unconditional Love, so that you are able to get where you want.
Count on our help. Ask for our help. Supplicate for our help. Why? Because many ask without a heart, as if we were obliged to help them. We cannot invade your free will. So we need a password, and this password is just a cry for help or in extreme cases, a plea.
And be assured, that if this request or this supplication is from the heart, we will act, instantly. Believe it.
傳導:Anjos e Luz Terapias