




你們內在的潛力如此之大,我們確信一旦你們中的一些人開始意識到全部潛力,就會產生連鎖反應,我們將看到成百上千的人,然後成千上萬的人正在利用在你內心的這種潛力。現在,你們一定想知道如何去做。這與你所做甚麼無關。也與你們是否擁有正確的水晶結構、是否說正確的咒語、或者是否通過適當的動作來獲取我們看到的完全體驗和美麗人類潛能無關。通過感受自己的偉大才可以發掘這種潛力,只有放棄侷限的思維和信念並才能與真正自己在一起(by being with yourselves),才能獲得那種感受。


我們希望你們能感受到這種潛力。我們希望你們能感受到它的能量,因為這就是它真正所是的面貌(because that’s what it is)就像你們中的某些人能夠通過感受並沿著你們的脊柱而上(up your spine)來獲取你們的昆達里尼能量(kundalini energy)一樣,你們可以通過承認它的存在並對其進行感受來獲得這種潛力。不要認為你們的潛力僅限於你們的能力,因為它遠不止於此。這是人與神全面的融合。在這一刻,你們既了解自己又認知到自己是一件強而有力的禮物。







圖片提供:Karin Miller



The Great Human Potential Within You ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have begun to explore the hidden human potential that we see inside of you, because we are curious to see which of you is going to tap into that hidden potential and when you are going to do it. This is something that intrigues us very much because we see glimpses of that potential realized by certain humans in moments where you are accessing abilities and aspects of yourselves that cannot be explained in any conventional way.

You have within you so much potential, and we are certain that once a few of you begin to realize that full potential, the ripple effect will occur, and we will see hundreds, and then thousands, and then millions of people accessing that potential that lies within you. Now you must be wondering how to do it. It’s not about what you do. It’s not about you having the right crystals, speaking the right mantras, or going through the proper motions to access the full, beautiful human potential that we see. You get to that potential by feeling for how magnificent you are, and you can only get to that feeling by dropping the limiting thoughts and beliefs and by being with yourselves.

We want you to feel for this potential. We want you to feel for it as an energy because that’s what it is. In the same way that some of you have been able to access your kundalini energy by feeling for it and inviting it up your spine, you can access this potential by acknowledging that it is there and feeling for it. Don’t think of your potential as being limited to your abilities, because it is so much more than that. It is the full merging of the human and the Divine. It is the moment where you know yourself as both simultaneously and you recognize what a powerful gift that is.

To be able to have a physical body and to also feel your Divinity fully actualized is the best possible experience you can have in this universe. So here is your invitation. Focus within yourselves and realize that you can unlock this potential at any time. You don’t have to wait for the shift to be completed. You don’t have to wait for anything. In fact, this experience is waiting for you.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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