




我們真的想解釋清楚(hammer home)一個事實,即你們都是源頭能量的存有,當你們向內集中精神,全神貫注地關注存在於你們核心的無條件愛時,你們就可以使用一切內心為中心。如果你們要帶領人類成為覺醒的集體,那麼你們必須是那些將基督意識帶入你們心中的人。當你真正地知道自己是光明與愛的神聖存在時,你就必須向人類其他人證明那是可能的。






請張開雙臂歡迎即將來臨八月份的能量充分了解自己到底是誰。散佈光明,散佈愛心,散佈療癒,並自由地散播你們的同情慈悲和寬恕,你們將看到自己的世界發生了改變,而這是其他任何事情都無法實現的。你們是真正擁抱自己作為神靈(Divine Beings)的本性的人,這將是集體努力,將全人類帶入這一非常有趣,歡樂和美麗的旅程。





The August Energies from Arcturus, Pleiades & Sirius ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very pleased and excited to share with you what we believe the month of August will be all about there on planet Earth. We have been working with a Pleiadian collective and a Sirian collective to put together a package of energies that will work quite nicely with the other energies that you have coming in for the month of August. It is our intention to make this upcoming month be all about you finding your core within. This is the month of humankind recognizing the Divine that is always present within each and every one of you.

We really want to hammer home the truth that you all are Source Energy Beings, and that you have access to All That Is when you focus inwardly, when you give your full and undivided attention to the unconditional love that exists at your core, at your heart-center. If you are going to lead humanity as the awakened collective, then you have to be the ones who hold the Christ Consciousness within you. You have to be the ones to demonstrate to the rest of humankind what is possible when you truly know yourselves as Divine Beings of Light and Love.

What we see there on Earth is far too much waiting around for something to occur that will rescue humanity from yourselves. Only humanity can truly rescue humanity. There are, of course, beings and collectives like ourselves who are doing everything in our power to help you awaken as a collective, to guide you back into yourselves, and to remind you of how powerful you are. But there are far too many humans out there telling you that you aren’t as powerful as some cabal group and that you have to wait for some kind of solar flash to come and rescue all of you.

It’s time to stop pinning all of your hopes on one politician saving the day, or even a group of well-meaning individuals defeating the bad guys. What humanity needs now, and what this upcoming month is giving you the opportunity to recognize, is that Divinity activated within as many of you who are willing to go out there on a limb in the same way the one known as Yeshua once did. Remind everyone that they are Source, that they are Divine, that they are creating all of this as an illusion so that they can wake up from the dream and become the powerful beings of light they truly are.

Welcome in the August energies with open arms, and take that full knowing of who you really are out into the world. Spread the light, spread the love, spread the healing, and offer compassion and forgiveness freely, and you will see your world transformed in a way that nothing else could possibly accomplish. You are the ones to truly embrace your true nature as Divine Beings, and it will be a group effort to bring the rest of humanity along for this very fun, joyous, and beautiful ride.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


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