I am Sananda.As always, it is a pleasure to be with you, and to be able to share with you in these ways, to be able to come across through many different sources and bring information. For that is what this is all about, this vibrational experience that you are moving into now. It is all about releasing information, remembering who you are, and the creator being that you are. And as this creator being, there are no bounds. There are no limits. You are indeed a limitless being.
But you have forgotten, and you have created within you limitations that you are a limited being. But you are certainly not. And all of the guidance that is coming to you from all of the many different sources that try and attempt to reach to you, and the whispers that you hear within you are all about bringing you the understanding, the awakening process within you that you are unlimited, that you are god, that you are not a created being, that you are a creator. Know this.
Know this as you continue to move forward now and finding within yourself every moment that you are in to be that perfect moment, even though there are times of travail, even though there are times of distress when everything doesn’t seem to be exactly as you want it to be. Know that even in those moments they are happening for a reason. They are happening to help you to learn and to remember once again who you are
It is time, my friends, to fully begin to believe in yourselves.To believe in your creative abilities. To believe that everything that is happening within this universe is happening because of you, all of you, and all of us. For as you have heard many times, we are all in this together. Yes, it seems at times that nothing is happening. But that is when you are looking, when you are wanting to see before you believe. But when in reality, it is that you must believe first, and then you shall see. And that is the higher vibration. That is the higher dimensional understandings. Believe it and you create whatever you want. So within even this three-dimensional illusion that you are still in, you can create within that illusion. You can create. And in that creation, you find yourself moving out of the 3-D world and into the higher 4, and even the fifth dimension.
And there are those periods when all of you have experienced that fifth-dimensional vibration, that bliss that goes with the fifth-dimension. And you long for that. You may have had it within your dream state. Many of you have said within that dream state, “I want to stay, I don’t want to go back!”But yet you go back. Just as you came here to begin with, volunteered to come here. You left that dream state. You left that perfect state that you were in and came here. Just as in your dream state, you return again, and again.
Knowing that because of the vibrations increasing all across the planet now, and consciousness also increasing, you know that you are moving into these higher vibrations.And that those dream states that you have had, those blissful times of being in the fifth-dimension, are becoming more and more prevalent now.
That is what this entire ascension process is about. It is helping you to have those glimpses here and there, so that you long more and more for not only the glimpses, but the actual full reality of being in those higher dimensions. And as you find yourself in those higher dimensions, you begin more and more to remember that you’ve been there before.
Many of you have had these, what you call ‘de-ja-vu’experiences. “I’ve been there, I’ve done that.”And yes you have. You have all been there. You have all been with us before. The times are coming now when you will be with us again, and we with you. For there are happenings that are fast approaching now. You can call them announcements, you can call them experiences, but they are coming. They have already happened at the higher levels. We have spoken before that The Event has already occurred in the higher vibratory levels, in the higher dimensions. And it is not going to come to the third-dimension.
But the third-dimension, all of you within the third-dimension, are arising out of that third-dimension and coming into the higher vibrations, the higher frequencies where you will experience, and even are experiencing, the wonders that come in those higher vibrations.The wonders of no aging, of no illness, of no distress, no de-struction of any kind. Only con-struction. Construction with your mind, with your imagination. And all of your world will be only limited by that imagination, by that thought process within the fifth-dimension.
Continue to trust in yourselves, my brothers and sisters. For all is at hand now. Continue to believe, and you will more and more continue to see what before you were not able to.
I am Sananda.I leave you now in peace and love, and all of the wonder that is coming your way.
通靈:James McConnell
翻譯:Nick Chan