During times of energetic transformation it is common for people to feel some discomfort.How can you lead yourself with gentleness today? How can you bring gentleness into your interactions with others? We cannot stress enough how much the energy of kindness and gentle, supportive love are appreciated by those who temporarily cannot shift into those energies for themselves. Give it while you can, and receive it when it is offered, Dear Ones, for that is how you balance and support each other during these remarkable times.
~Archangel Gabriel
在能量轉變的時期,人們常會感覺到一些不適,這是很正常的。今天你要如何溫柔地引導自己?你要如何把溫柔帶入與他人的互動中?我們無法再強調,仁慈、溫柔、支持性的愛之能量是如何被那些暫時還無法轉變到這些能量中的人所感謝/欣賞。親愛的一們,盡可能地給予,並在它們被提供時好好接收它們,因為這就是在這非凡的時期(春分 3/21)保持平衡與支持彼此的方式。
Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
翻譯:Nick Chan
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