11 is a Master number. The double 1’s standing side by side, visually and symbolically, represent two pillars in perfect balance - the perfect balance of yin/yang, dark/light, male/female. When multiples of Master Numbers occur, it’s believed that a pathway to the higher dimensions is opened, affording us an opportunity for exponential transformation. Through this doorway, Crystalline Light codes and energetic upgrades flow through, carrying the power to spontaneously raise our vibrational frequency and bring us into more direct connection with Source. The Master No 11 can particularly assist with the expansion or our psychic abilities and reclaiming of our soul’s essence.


親愛的朋友們,11月11 日這個星期天是難得的11.11.11天。

11是大師的數字。雙人1並排,視覺上和象徵性地代表著兩個完美平衡的支柱 - 陰/陽,黑/光,男/女的完美平衡。當大師的倍數出現時,人們認為通向更高維度的途徑是開放的,這為我們提供了指數變換的機會。通過這扇門,水晶光體代碼和充滿活力的升級流過,攜帶動力,自發地提高我們的振動頻率,使我們與源頭更直接的聯繫。大師-11數字-可以特別協助擴展或我們的心靈能力和回收我們靈魂的本質。

The upcoming 11.11.11 Gateway can assist us in our quest of becoming ‘masters’ of our own destiny. By harnessing its energy, and consciously asking for the upgrading of our cellular structure, the rewiring of our 12-strand DNA, and the activation of the hidden gifts that lie dormant within our soul, we may be granted the opportunity to make the long awaited, evolutionary leap beyond the limitations of the current human experience.



I feel this rare 11.11.11 portal may indeed hold the promise of rapid growth and transformation. For the last couple of months, multiple times daily, I’ve been reminded of the imminent arrival of this Master energy. Every time I look at the clock, or send or receive an significant email or phone call, it seems to be 11.11, 11.22, 11.44 or multiples of other Master numbers like 2.22, 3.33 or 4.44!! It’s as if I’m being constantly primed, and reminded that the veil between dimensions really is very thin, and that we’re already living inside this cosmic gateway!


So together, let’s seize the opportunity of this rare and powerful 11.11.11 Cosmic Portal to unite our energies as ‘One’ across the globe. Let’s consciously use the 11.11.11 energy as an alchemical vessel for our prayers, as we ask for the spontaneous upgrading of human consciousness, and the reactivation of the hidden wisdom stored within the cells of the ‘Living Library’ that is our body.

讓我們一起抓住這個罕見而強大的11.11.11 宇宙門戶(Cosmic Portal)的機會,將我們的能量合一,為全球的“一體”。讓我們有意識地使用11.11.11能量作為我們祈禱的煉金術器皿,因為我們要求人類意識的自動升級,以及存儲在我們身體的“活生生圖書館(Living Library)”細胞內的隱藏智慧的重新激活。



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