- May 02 Sat 2020 21:09
- May 02 Sat 2020 21:05
- May 02 Sat 2020 14:41
Dear Lightworkers, this is your Quan Yin, I AM Quan Yin. I AM full of compassion and love for you today. Today is the now of your life. This is your life right now. Are you happy with it? Are you joyful? Are you wishing it would change? I am here to tell you that there is always room for change. There is always room to make adjustments and create the life that you would love to have. There’s always room for change, dear hearts!
- May 01 Fri 2020 23:00
- May 01 Fri 2020 22:51
- May 01 Fri 2020 21:28
Greetings dearest family, I AM Ashtar and it is with honour I greet you all today. It is with such love in my heart, for each and every one of you, that I share these words, to those of you who are guided to them. The honour I have for you all is immeasurable, it cannot be expressed in you limited words, yet I ask that you feel my presence, as you read and resonate to what I AM sharing.
- May 01 Fri 2020 21:11
- Apr 30 Thu 2020 23:32
- Apr 30 Thu 2020 22:00
- Apr 30 Thu 2020 20:23