Beloved masters, in many ways, we have endeavored to convey to you the magnificence and all-inclusive meaning of Love/Light from the Creator Source. It is time for many facets of higher knowledge to come together so that you can more fully understand the perfection in the Creator’s grand plan.

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I come on the wings of love! There are too many happenings taking place on the planet and it requires you to be alert and aware at all times. This has become a honing practice for many of you as you listen, read or peruse different modes of communication. The honing practice is in the use of your intuitive faculties to discern the level of truth in what is presented to you. It is a time of getting the real truth without taking any outward controversial actions. This is a skill you have already developed in other lifetimes or which you have been developing as you have been living your current lifetime. Your super senses are now coming online and being activated as the energy frequency of the whole planet rises higher. It is a practice that will serve you well in these turbulent times as the changes in every facet of life on Earth keep on coming!

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